Do you need a table?

Fill out the form below to let us know you need a table!
If you do not need a table, there is no need to fill out this form.
Signing up below will let us know we need to have a table for you!

We will be in touch closer to the event date with more information about load in.

The Downtown Plant Swap is FREE to attend or vend and open to all who love plants of any type- indoor, outdoor, vegetable, succulent- you name it. Bring plants to trade, give away or sell. Bring yard art, windchimes, plant stakes, rabbit compost, any sort of thing that gardeners want or need. Bring garden stuff you no longer want for the FREE STUFF table!

If you want to bring plants or gardening-related items to sell, you can, but we ask that you also bring some things to swap or give away. We welcome windchimes, compost, garden art, indoor, outdoor and vegetable plants, and free stuff. We will have a table for you to leave your unneeded pots, tools, even broken garden things. Someone may be able to use it and we do love going through these 'treasures.'

What Else Can I Bring?

Seeds, plants, cuttings, starters, pots, garden tools, garden art, windchimes, soil, bags of compost, gardening books or brochures. Please pot your plants individually and wrap your cuttings individually. It will make it easier to trade them. Please include tags with information regarding the NAME of each plant, cutting or seed and if you wish, information on how to plant/care for them. People will need to know the names of what they are getting.

Who Will Be There?

Other than you and many other garden-lovers like you, we expect the Northwest Louisiana Master Gardeners, Slow Food North Louisiana, several Facebook gardening groups, garden art crafters and others.

Click here to Get a Table!