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SRAC Juried Artist Roster

Each year, the Northwest Louisiana Juried Artists Roster will convene a jury of out-of-town critics, with one critic representing each artistic discipline. These critics will review the Directory for new entries submitted during the previous year, with each critic responsible for selecting artists within their own discipline to determine who will be added to the Juried Artist Roster.

Click here to check for the current Application.


  1. Promotion on the Shreveport Regional Arts Council Directory WEBSITE. https://nwla.culturalyst.com

  2. Nationally Published/Renowned Critics have reviewed your work and determined that you are a Career Professional Artist.

  3. In future “CALLS FOR COMMISSIONS,” the jury does not review your work samples to determine that you are “Professional” – instead, they limit their review to your proposal and to the way in which your work samples convey your ability to execute your ideas.

  4. You are encouraged to have a solo exhibition at either ARTSPACE (coolspace) or the Central ARTSTATION.  The staff will assist you in making a proposal for an Exhibition.  The Exhibition plan is reviewed and approved by a team of ARTSPACE Jurors.  You are supported with an Opening Reception complete with Direct Mail and E-mail Invitations, and a four-week exhibition.

  5. You are welcomed at the monthly meeting of your peer ROSTER ARTISTS wherein there are networking opportunities, “first-hand” information about upcoming paid Artists’ opportunities, and the responsibility to recommend Arts Policies for the Shreveport Regional Arts Council and City of Shreveport.

  6. You are welcomed to all Arts Programming at ARTSPACE and the Central ARTSTATION with no admission fees; this includes no fees for openings, performances, or demonstrations .  The two exceptions to this privilege are workshops with a designated/limited number of participants (Roster Artists will receive a 20% discount)and fundraising events at ARTSPACE and/or Christmas in the Sky – we appreciate your support!

Current NWLA Roster Artists Through 2024

Priscilla Adams
Cherina Alford
Bruce Allen
Eric Allen
Dawn Ash
Nicola Ballard
Qean Ballard
Bre Banks
Neecee Blackwell
Erica Branch
Carolyn Breedlove
Joshua Brittian
Christine Broussard
Julie Burton Renee
Caldwell Celia Carr
Joshua Chambers
Cathy Cobb
Mollie Corbett
Brandon Crist
John Daniel
Rachard  Dennis
Lisandra Di Liberto
Aline Donnelly
June Rose Dowis
Sarah Duet
Christine Duke
M.L.  Dumars
Connie Eaton
Amanda Ebarb
Mitzi Edwards
Gregory Ellis
Nancy A Ferrari
Susan Fortenberry    
Christena Francis
Eric Francis
Hillary  Frazier
Michael Futreal
Michael Gable
Irene Gallion
Ginger  Garfield
Taffie Garsee
Laura Giacalone
Julie Glass
Michael  Hall
Ryan Halzelton
Emily Hamann
Dorothy Kristin  Hanna
Kirsi-Marja Hardy
Ron Hardy
Bertha Harris
Ashley Mace Havird
David Havird
A.J.  Haynes
Brittney "Sysica" Hazelton
Jennifer Healey
Jennifer Heard
Adena Helm
Jennifer Hendry
Eric M. Hess
Mary Virignia  Hill
D.L. Holmes
William James
Kershauna  Johnson
Neil L. Johnson
Thom Johnson
Bobby Jones Jr.
Julie Kane
Hooshang  Khorasani
Karen Kinberger
Adam King
Josie La Cour
Karen T. LaBeau

Lynn Laird
Kevin Langley
Charmed Lester
Betsy Levels
Janet Maines
Janet  Maines
Madeline Marak
Maria Markell
James Marks
John James AKA Yung Melody Marshall
Mim McCoy
Tyler McCray
Ryan McCutcheon
Dominique Mclemore
Lisa Miller
Maggie Molisee
Ben Moss
Linda Moss Crystalyn Whitaker Nelson
Arthur Nerio
Joanie  Nerretig
Laura Noland Harter
Angela Osborn
Shannon Palmer
Michelle Pennington
Michael Neal Phillips
Jeff Pieper
Aerial Placeres
Jason Pliler
Paige  Powell
Gregory Quick
Devin  Rachul 
Patrick Raffaelo
Mimi  Rankin Webb
Anthony Reans
Kirk Reedstrom
Alex Richardson
Tama  Ripps Nathan
Debra Roberson
Mary Catherine Rollo
Caitlin Rose
Maudie  Rosenberry
Emma Sallee
Alaycia Sandifer
Lindsey Simpson
Rodney Sims
Ron Smith
Ellen Soffer
Kyndall Skye Spence
Lacey Stinson
Donna Strebeck
Sherry Tamburo
Whitney Tates
Laterina Taylor
Diana Teeters
Jerrick Thomas
Whitney Thurmond
Sophia Tolliver
Mike Torma
Robert Trudeau
Lauri Wallace
Benjamin Ware
Darryl Ray Ware II
Dan Wasserman
Jenn Wasserman
Donald Webb II
Quinterrian White
Lucia Woo
Poetic  X
Moye Zhang