How to Apply to be a Collectible Artist for Common Culture Week!
We are starting this tutorial assuming you already have a profile on the NWLA Artists' Directory.
The first step would be to go to and login.
If you had a profile on the old artist directory, your profile should have been copied over to this new one. To access it, click login in the upper right corner of the screen (seen above).
Your username will be the email address you originally applied with.
Your password has been reset and is unique for everyone. It is the first three letters of your last name (capital first letter) and your zip code (no spaces). EXAMPLE: John Smith who lives in 71105 would have the temporary password of Smi71105
If this is your first time logging into the new account it will ask you to reset your password.
Once you have logged in click on the Disciplines tab in the upper right.
When the Disciplines page loads you will see 12 Artist Disciplines plus two other categories at the bottom. Click Join Discipline under the Collectible Artist listing to join this group. Make sure to join the other Disciplines that you feel your art style fits into.
That is it! You are done. Congrats on your submission to be a Collectible Artist.