Writing Workshop with Genaro Kỳ Lý Smith
Join the Shreveport Regional Arts Council TONIGHT for a Literary workshop with KAT Residency artist Genaro Kỳ Lý Smith. Genaro will be giving a facebook live / zoom workhop on Tuesday, November 10 about the Character's Yearning and How It Translates to Showing vs. Telling. Genaro is in Shreveport as selected artist for the KAT Artist Residency. The Workshop is FREE. To interact with Genaro, please participate with the zoom app.
Topic: Genaro Ky Ly Smith Workshop
Time: Nov 10, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85499596957?pwd=OUlhOXluVXN3eFNuWEJ0NTErQk9iZz09
Meeting ID: 854 9959 6957
Passcode: 542388
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Meeting ID: 854 9959 6957
Passcode: 542388
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